Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lose Weight Sensibly

If you are overweight, losing even 5 to 10 pounds can improve your blood cholesterol levels. But don't go on a crash diet: The healthiest and longest-lasting weight loss happens when you take it slowly, losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week. If you cut 500 calories a day by eating less and being more active, you should lose 1 pound (which amounts to about 3,500 calories) in a week. (Overweight children and adolescents should not be put on strict weight loss diets; consult your family doctor if this is a concern.)

A heart-healthy eating plan can help you lose weight because cutting down on fat is a good way to cut down on calories. And, if you are overweight, you should take care to eat foods high in starch and fiber (like vegetables, fruits, and breads and cereals) instead of high fat foods. Choose low fat and low calorie items from each food group; table 1 will help. Finally, you'll need to limit the amount--or serving sizes--as well.

But there's more to losing weight than just eating less. The most successful weight-loss programs are those that combine diet and increased physical activity. A low fat, low calorie way of eating combined with increased physical activity can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer than either way can achieve alone. See the box for some ideas for physical activities.


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